Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Dominican Word of The Day


This blog is dedicated to my Dominicans around the world; especially to the friends and family of Dominicans. To my family of course, we never spoke English at home, in a way this keeps our roots intact and ongoing. Our family and friends are the ones who hear us speak these funny words on a daily basis. As Dominicans become “popular” in many diverse communities around the world; it’s often these words which make us stand out.

The concept of the Dominican Word of The Day came about while playing around with some of my Fraternity brothers by placing slang Dominican words on my instant messenger “away message” section. The idea was not only well welcomed by my Fraternity Brothers, but also by many of my friends and efriends.

As many of you may know me or not, I was born in the Dominican Republic and migrated at the age of 12 to New York City (Brooklyn). Yes, surprisingly enough I am not from Washington Heights; but if you do know me I might as well be, these days that is where I spent most of my time. I must say I fell in love with the heights when I discovered this part of the town in 2001 full of our culture essence in every way.

It’s the interaction I have with my culture in New York City / U.S.; as well as my frequent visits to the Motherland, the Dominican Republic, that keep connected and up-to-date with the slangs used by us. Most of these words have become popular throughout the years and are here to stay; others as our culture keeps its evolution become new and part of our day-to-day vocabulary, es pa’ lante que vamos! ( I am not a PLDeista).

I hope you enjoy the daily words. More ideas are on the way; make sure to check in daily or at your own leisure. Any questions/comments please feel free to get in contact with me.

Tu Panita – Robin Arturo

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