Wednesday, April 27, 2011

April 27, 2011

Dominican Word of The Day is: ZOZOBRA – Slang for living in/with high ANXIETY (stress/fear).

Dominican: Maria si que vive en Zozobra, no le gusta que su novio salga a ningun sitio.

English: Maria is always anxious about her boyfriend’s outings.



Tuesday, April 26, 2011

April 26, 2011

Dominican Word of The Day is: BAGATELA – Slang for something worth not a great deal, cheap or when you are not paid much for the work you do.

Dominican: Manuel compro un reloj heavy meng por una BAGATELA.

English: Manny bought a really nice Watch for a very low price (cheap).

Monday, April 25, 2011

April 25, 2011

Dominican Word of The Day is: PESAO – Slang for two meanings a HATEFUL person, as well as a someone who demonstrates to be “THE MAN”.

Dominican 1: Manuel no le habla a nadie, ese tiguere es un PESAO.

Dominican 2: Oye, Manuel se consigue a cualquier mujer que el quiere, ese tiguere es un PESAO.

English 1: Manny is so HATEFUL at times, he doesn’t speak to anyone.

English 2: Manny is THE MAN, he can get any girl he wants.

Friday, April 22, 2011

April 22, 2011

Dominican Word of The Day is: BULLOSO – Slang for a LOUD person.

Dominican: Mira, dimelo a Manuel que deje de ser tan BULLOSO, ho yes Viernes Santo, no se oye musica.

English: Please go and tell Manny to stop being so LOUD?

Thursday, April 21, 2011

April 21, 2011

Dominican Word of The Day is: AYANTANDO – Slang for PRETENDING or A FRONT.

Dominican: Diache, Manuel di que se muda para los Neuyores, eso es el AYANTANDO.

English: Geez, why is Manny fronting that he is moving to the U.S.?

April 20, 2011

Dominican Word of The Day is: LAMBE OJO – In simple terms slang for a A** Kisser!

Dominican: Manuel etan LAMBE OJO que a su jefe le compra Café cada Mañana.

English: Manny loves kissing his boss A** so much, he buys him coffee every morning.

April 19, 2011

Dominican Word of The Day is: DECRICAJE – Slang for BAd APPEREANCE (SLOB).

Dominican: Esta muchacha Maria no se cuida para nada! tiene un DECRICAJE encima.

English: Maria doesn't appear to take care of herself, she's always looking really bad, like the only slob.

April 18, 2011

Dominican Word of The Day is: CONCHALE/CONCHOLE – Slang for a NICE way of saying S***, Damn it!

Dominican: CONCHALE Meng, es Lunes, hay que ir a Trabajar.

English: DAMN IT, I hate Mondays, onto work.

April 15, 2011

Dominican Word of The Day is: JARTO – Slang for being FED UP with a Situation.

Dominican: Ya’ ‘Toy JARTO con estos precios de Gasolinas, eh JARTO que toy.

English: I had enough, I am FED UP with these high Gas prices, this is ridiculous.

April 14, 2011

Dominican Word of The Day is: CICOTE – Slang for FOOT ORDOR.

Dominican: Diantre, Manny se quito esos zapatos y salio ese CICOTE fuerte.

English: Manny foot just smells horrible.

April 13, 2011

Dominican Word of The Day is: ME LA PUSO EN CHINA – Expression used when someone is making a situation difficult.

Dominican: El Partido Republicano le Pone to’ en China a Obama.

English: The Republican party makes everything Difficult for Obama to execute.

April 12, 2011

Dominican Word of The Day is: CALIE – Slang for an informant, SNITCH.

Dominican: Manuel le cuenta todo a su jefe, ese tiguere es CALIE’.

English: It’s impossible to do anything in front of Manny, he always INFORMS the boss of any wrong doing.

April 11, 2011

Dominican Word of The Day is : RELAJO – Slang for Disorder, when something is taken as a joke & not seriously.

Dominican: El Partido PLD de La. Rep. Dominicana es un RELAJO, ahora va a Correr a Presidente la esposa del que es presente, Que Maldito Relajo.

English: The Dominican PLD Political party is a joke. To stay on power the current president’s wife will now run for presidency.

April 8, 2011

Dominican Word of The Day is : PELU – Slang to signal something may be NOT BE TRUE or Someone who needs a HAIRCUT.

Dominican 1: Hmm esta situacion de los precios de gasoline ta’ como PELU!

Dominican 2: Manuel esta PELU, necesita cortarse toda esa cabellera.

English 1: This high gas prices are just a little bit too fishy to believe.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

April 7, 2011

Dominican Word of The Day is: ENCENDIO – Slang for a HOT TOPIC, Something Happening.

Dominican: Esta vaina ‘ta ENCENDIA.

English: This is is Really Hot and Happening.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

April 5, 2011

Dominican Word of The Day is: AZARAO – Slang for having BAD LUCK.

Dominican: Diantre Manin, ayer se me pincho una goma del carro, y hoy se le quemo una bombilla, E’ AZARAO que estoy.

English: Man! I have such a BAD LUCK, yesterday I caught a flat tire and today the ligtbulbs go off.

Monday, April 4, 2011

April 4, 2011

Dominican Word of The Day is: BATEA – Metal Bucket used for showering.

Dominican: Todo Dominicano de pura sepa, en algun momento se bañado en un BATEA.

English: Every True Dominican has taken a quick shower using Metal Buckets.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Dominican Word of The Day is: ARRANCAO – Slang for being or gone BROKE.

Dominican: Manuel esta ARRANCAO hoy, no va pa’ la calle.

English: Manuel will not be going out tonight, he is BROKE.