Friday, July 31, 2009

July 31, 2009

Today's Dominican Word: Juye: to hurry up

Dominican: Manuel estaba tarde para la cita de trabajao, la mama le prepare su café y le dijo, Mi hijo Juye que se te hace tarde.

English: Manuel was running late for his interview, in the mean time his mom prepared him some coffee and told him to hurry up.

Friday, July 24, 2009

July 24, 2009

Today's Dominican Word: Chepa: A Chance of lucky coincidence.

Dominican: Manuel tiene la mejor suerte del mundo, iva rapido en la carretera y por chepa la policia no lo paro.

English: Manuel was driving 70 mph, but he was lucky not to stopped by the cops.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

June 30, 2009

Today's Dominican Word: Paquetón: to have a lot, in abundance.

Dominican: Manuel es rico, el tipo tiene un paquetón de carros, casas, dinero, y mucha ropa.

English: Manuel has a lot of money, the guy has a bunch of cars, homes, and a lot of clothes.

Monday, June 29, 2009

June 29, 2009

Today's Dominican Word: Bocon: From the word BOCA = Mouth. Bocon is a loud person or someone that can’t never hold sensitive information and before you know shares it with the rest of the world without permission. A big mouth.

Dominican: Manuel le contó a Joel sobre la posibilidad que la novia este embarsado, y el bocon de Joel fue y se lo dijo a la Mama de María, que Lío!!!

English: Manuel confided in Joel and told him of the possibility that Maria may be pregnant, but big mouth himself ran off and told Maria’s mom.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

June 25, 2009

Today's Dominican Word: Fuakiti: This expression in exclamation of an incident or occasion.

Dominican: A Manuel se le acerco un tipo alto y le dijo que le diera su cartera, pero manuel se rehúso y FUAKITI el tipo le dio una trompada y se fue corriendo.

English: Manuel was approached by a tall dude, that’s when the guy asked for his wallet, Manuel refused and the guy hit him and fled the scene in a flash.

Monday, June 22, 2009

June 22, 2009

Today's Dominican Word: Resacao/a: This is in reference to a person hung-over and is in recovery mood from the weekend.

Dominican: Manuel se dio un jumo durante el fin de semana, hoy esta en pura resaca.

English: Manuel is hung-over from this weekend’s parties.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

June 18, 2009

Today's Dominican Word: Maltallao (Mal Tallado): This is in reference to a a person with a out of shape body. I.e. Tall but skinny arms, big belly, and no legs. Another one, Fat, chichos on your back, big belly, and bloated face.

Dominican: La Novia de Manuel tiene el cuerpo maltallao, la tipa tiene una barriga fuera de lo común, no tiene nalga, y su busto no existe.

English: Manuel has a big out of shape girlfriend; she has a big belly, no chest, and no buttocks.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

June 17, 2009

Today's Dominican Word: Ojala: To Hope, God for bid something does or does not happen.

Dominican: Manuel tuvo relaciones con María y el condón se le rompió, Ojala que no la haga embarazado.

English: Manuel had sexual relations with Maria, let’s just hope he didn’t impregnate.

Monday, June 15, 2009

June 15, 2009

Today's Dominican Word: Bultero: A person that constantly lies, a person who promises to do something and never does.

Dominican: Manuel es un bultero, prometio de traerle unos tennis a Joel y no se los compro.

English: Manuel is a liar; he promised Joel some shoes and never bought it.

Friday, June 12, 2009

June 12, 2009

Today's Dominican Word: Buche y Pluma : This is in reference to talking too much BS always and never following his word.

Dominican: Manuel ese tipo no mas es Buche y pluma, habla y habla y no hace nada.

English: Manuel is all talk, talk all BS and never follow his Word.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

June 11, 2009

Today's Dominican Word: Josiando: Slang for the word Hustle in English. It means the same as in English, to keep grind at work, to seek work or anything to obtain money/work.

Dominican: Manuel es jodedor, el tipo se la pasa josiando en la calle.

English: Manuel appears to be a drug dealer, he keeps hustling for money.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

June 10, 2009

Today's Dominican Word: Maipiolo/a: This is in reference to a person who likes to hook up people with other individuals romantically or what not.

Dominican: Manuel es un Maipiolo, el le consiguió tres chicas a Jose.

English: Manuel hook Jose up with three girls, what’s the hook?

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

June 9, 2009

Today's Dominican Word: Feo Pa’ La Foto: This is in reference to someone being in a bad situation and will not conquer its wished intentions (Not Looking Good).

Dominican: Manuel se quebró una pierna, el pobre que tenia un competencia no podrá correr, esta feo pa la foto.

English: Manuel broke his leg, he had a race next week, but he is not looking good for it.

Monday, June 8, 2009

June 8, 2009

Today's Dominican Word: Viejebo/a: A person of a Ceratin age, 40+ with looks of being older but rather has someone young (usually in their low 20s) by their side, specially on those particular social events where a mate is necessary, in other words a Sugar Daddy.

Dominicano: El Senor Ramon es un viejebo, el tipo tiene una novia de 21 cuando ya el esta en sus 50.

English: Mr. Ramon is a sugga’ Daddy, he has a 21 year old girlfriend, mind you Mr. Ramon is 50.

Friday, June 5, 2009

June 5, 2009

Today's Dominican Word: Naco: This words originates from Mexico, however, Dominicans used it very often to refer to someone acting or being Hick, Ghetto, or Country.

Dominican: Manuel es un Naco por estar saliendo a sitios bajos; también que habla muy duro y no se sabe vestir.

English: Manuel is a hick; he attends ghetto places, speaks loud and doesn’t know how to dress.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

June 4, 2009

Today's Dominican Word: Rebulú: This is in reference when a fights breaks out between two or a group of people. The fight could be a verbal argument and/or physical altercation.

Dominican: Manuel y David tuvieron un Rebulú cuando David se negó a pagarle la deuda de $1,000 dólares.

English: Manuel and David got into a verbal altercation when David refused to pay Manuel his money (a thousand dollars).

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

June 3, 2009

Today's Dominican Word: Cocolo: This is in reference to a dark skinned Dominican; one of African or Haitian descent but keep in mind is a Dominican.

Dominican: Manuel es un Cocolo de San Pedro De Macoris.

English: Manuel, a black Dominican, is from San Pedro De Macoris, Dom. Rep.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

June 2, 2009

Today's Dominican Word: TIRA (Tirame): This word is intended for use when you need respond to someone’s call of any sort.

Dominican: Manuel let tiro a Maria pero ella no contesto su telefono.

English: Manuel called Maria but she never answered.

Friday, April 24, 2009

April 24, 2009

Today's Dominican Word: Boche: A spoken form to reprimand someone (a "Diss") without being belligerent.

Dominican: Manuel le tiro un boche a Joel por estar de necio.

English: Manuel dissed Joel for acting foolish.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

April 21, 2009

Today's Dominican Word: Agallu (Agayu): A person that wants it all and doesn’t let others enjoy the fun - Greedy.

Dominican: En la Barra habian dos tipas buenas, pero Manuel no me dejo hablar con ninguna, ese tipo es un Agallu.

English: While at the Bar, there were two hot girls, Manuel didn’t give me the chance to speak to any of them, he is greedy.

Monday, April 20, 2009

April 20, 2009

Today's Dominican Word: Toyo (Tollo): This word means of something turned into a MESS.   

Dominican: Que Toyo hicieron los Yankees este fin de semana.

English:  The Yankees played a messy game this weekend.

Friday, April 17, 2009

April 17, 2009

Today's Dominican Word: Tiguere/a – Believe it or not after 56 post of Dominican Words this one has not been used. A Tiguere/a is anyone you want to refer to, a male or female, however, this world means of someone who is street smarts; perhaps but not necessarily a thug.

Dominican: Manuel es un tiguerazo, el tipo no trabaja, y se la pasa parao’ con BMWs y mujeres por todo lados.

English: Manuel seems to be a man of the streets since he is always riding around in a BMW and always has a lady by his arm.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

April 16, 2009

Today's Dominican Word: Entre Luca Y Juan Mejia : This phrase is used when you are being asked how are you? Your response is this, which means you are doing just ok, so so, hanging in there. However, none of us (Dominicans) know who Luca or Mejia is.

Dominican: Manuel: Hola Joel, como estas?
Joel: Ahi, entre Luca y Juan Mejia, como estas tu?

English: Manuel asks Joel How is he? Joel responds, just hanging in there, how are you?

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

April 14, 2009

Today's Dominican Word: Degarito or (Desgarito) – when someone just rushes out of a place, and/or when someone goes missing in action or gets lost for a long period of time.

Dominican: Manuel se encojono con la novia y se degarito de la casa.

English: Manuel was upset at his girlfriend, so he went missing in action for a couple of days.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

April 8, 2009

Today's Dominican Word: Clavo – in today’s world this means NAIL in Spanish, however, for us Dominicans is when someone has done an incredible stunt. This is often heard when Dominicans watch movies with unbelievable stories.

1. Dominican: La Pelicula de James Bond fue un Clavo.
2. English: James Bond’s movie had unbelievable stunts.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

April 7, 2009

Today's Dominican Word: Jediondo/a – this word literally means someone who smells funny (bad). However, in Domincian slang this is a person who thinks is above others; a person who thinks his S smells than anyone else’s.

Dominican: Manuel solo porque anda en BMW cree que es major que todo el mundo, pero ese tiguere no solo es mas que un Jediondo.

English: Manuel thinks he is better than anyone else just because he drives a BMW; he swears his S smells better than anyone else’s.

Monday, April 6, 2009

April 6, 2009

Today's Dominican Word: Jarto(a) (Harto/a) – this word means to be full at capacity of something. It can be used when you are done eating and you have a stuffed belly, or when you are tired of arguing / dealing with someone, you had it with that person.

Dominican: 1. Me comi un plato de arroz con habichuelas, chuleta frita, y platanos fritos, estoy contento y jarto.

2. Manuel me tiene cansado de hablar de su ex-novio, me tiene jarto con el mismo tema.

English: 1. I ate some rice and beans with pork chops, my stomach is full (jarto).

2. I am tired of Manuel talking about his ex-grilfriend, I’m fed up (jarto) with the same topic.

Friday, April 3, 2009

April 3, 2009

Today's Dominican Word: Muy Strong: A Funny expression to indicate you are out of control. Word derives from another slang of No Puedo Contigo, meaning I can't take you.

Domincian: El bonche de anoche estaba fuera de control, muy strong.

English: The Party Last night was out of control (muy srong).

Thursday, April 2, 2009

April 2, 2009

Today's Dominican Word: Explota / Explotao – meaning when someone has gotten extremely fat and went from being skinny/fit to being a fat ass. And/or when someone has fought with someone and won the fight, not only did the person won the fight but beat the hell out of someone badly.

Dominican: 1. Manuel esta de gordo, ese tipo parece que se comio dies mil mofongo,
esta mas explotao que el Diablo.
2. Manuel y John tuvieron una pelea, Manuel exploto a john, lo dejo feo.
English: 1. Manuel has gotten so fat, he most of eaten too much food, he now looks like he is about to blow up.
2. Manuel and John had a fight, Manuel beat the crap out of John. John is not looking good.

April 1, 2009

Today's Dominican Word: Enchulao/a'. When someone has the blues for someone, in love/sprung.

Domincian: Manuel esta en chulao de maria.

Eglish: Manuel is in love with Maria.

Monday, March 30, 2009

March 30, 2009

Chuflay - Chuflai – a candy which contained a surprised win of some sort of toy and in popular terms this is when someone gets next to you and follows you around without you wanting them to.

Dominican: Manuel se saco un chuflay, Maria no para de seguir atras de el.

English: Manuel just won himself a piece of candy (chuflay), Maria won’t stop going after him.

Friday, March 27, 2009

March 27, 2009

Today's Dominican Word: Papi Champu - Un Chulo, Tipo que viste a la moda. Someone who's on style with today's fashion, a dude that macks the ladies.

Dominican: Juan Rios es un Papi Champu.

English: Juan Rios, if you know him, is a Papi Champu (Stylish Daddy)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

March 26, 2009

Today's Dominican Word: Cotorra – is literally a bird, a parrot; however for Dominicans Cotorra stands for when someone is talking too much; or is trying to do some sweet talking to get their ways – also known as Muelu = Cotorra.


1. Manuel esta cottoriando demasiado, el tipo no se calla de hablar de politicas.
2. Manuel le esta dando cotorra a Maria, a ver si salen a una cita.


1. Manuel is talking too much. He won’t stop talking about politcs.
2. Manuel is trying to sweet talk Maria into a Date.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

March 25, 2009

Today's Dominican Word: Galleta – while this literally means cookie, in the Dominican slang its stand for giving someone a slap/smack in the face.

Domincan: Manuel le agarro la nalga a Maria, y Maria con toda su fuerza se voltio y le dio un galleta fatal a Manuel.

English: Manuel grabbed Marias ass, that’s when she turned around and smacked him on the face.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

March 24, 2009

Today's Dominican Word: Bufeo – to make fun of someone, to trick another person, to “goof” someone. It also stands for to have fun.

Dominican: Manuel estaba bufiando com Joel; el le escondio las llaves del carro.

English: Manuel was trying to goof Joel by hiding his keys.

Monday, March 23, 2009

March 23, 2009

Today's Dominican Word: Abur Abur (Abul Abul in the capital) - this is when you are saying your good byes, farewells.

Dominican: Manuel se paso el fin de semana en la casa de Maria, al Manuel despedicer le dijo a Maria: Abur Abur – entonces fue cuando Maria dijo tambien, Abur Abur.

Manuel was at Maria’s house the entire weekend, as Manuel said bye bye, Maria also said bye bye.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

March 19, 2009

Today's Dominican Word: Vacano/a – to imply someone is cool, up-to-date with fashion, music, pop culture.

Dominican: Manuel tu eres un Vacano loco tu tiene el Mercedes Benz del ano y una pinta heavy.

English: Manuel is very hip, he has the best car in town (Mercedes Benz) and the most stylish clothes.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

March 18, 2009

Today's Dominican Word: Meter Mano – an expression to insinuate when someone is working on embarking into a project/job or when someone is having sexual relationship with someone whom is not necessarily a girlfriend or boyfriend material.


1. Oye, tu sabias que Manuel le esta metiendo mano a Maria, la rubia del Segundo piso?
2. Loco, comete ese arroz y carne, mete le mano loco, no le des mente.


1. Did you know Manuel was having on the side relationship with Maria from the second floor?
2. Bro, just eat the food, get your hands dirty and dig in.

Monday, March 16, 2009

March 16, 2009

Today's Dominican Word: Hacer Un Show - when someone is loud and likes to make scenes in public.

Dominican: Cuando Maria supo que su novio Manuel le estaba pegando cuernos, ella le hizo un show en frente de la gente.

English: When Maria found out her boyfriend Manuel was cheating on her; she made a scene in public.

Friday, March 13, 2009

March 13, 2009

Today's Dominican Word: Dame Luz - What's going on, talk to me, how is it going?, what's up?

Dominican: Dame Luz Montro.

English: What's going on Pal?

Thursday, March 12, 2009

March 12, 2009

Today's Dominican Word: Aguajeros – B.S.ers, Fake, Imposters.

Dominican: Con pura descepcion y verguenza tenemos que admitir que los Jugadores de la Rep. Dominicana para el clasico de beisbol son no mas que uno Augajeros!

English: It’s with great disgusting embarrassment we admit the Dom. Rep. world classic players were nothing but imposters.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

February 25, 2009``

Today's Dominican Word: Enchulao – To be in love. When you recently met someone and spent endless hours on the phone; you are Enchulao.

Dominican: Manuel esta en chulao con una tipa que conocio en la disco.

English: Manuel is in love with a girl he met at the club.

February 24, 2009

Today's Dominican Word: Pique – To be angry or mad at something.

Dominican: A Manuel se le fue el tren, se le callo el café en la camisa, y llego tarde y sucio al trabajo, y tipo cogio un pique fatal.

English: Manuel missed his train, spilled coffee on his shirt, and got to work late. He was pretty Mad.

Monday, February 23, 2009

February 23, 2009

Today's Dominican Word: Relambio/a - A Fresh Person, a person that crosses the line, obnoxious.

Dominican: Andy Ortiz es un relambio, se la pasa en coregiendo a Juan Rios.

English: Andy is becoming obnoxious for contesting everything thing Juan says or does.

February 20, 2009

Today's Dominican Word: A.M.E.T. – this is the department of transportation authority in the Dominican Republic; hence its officers are called AMETs.

Dominican: El AMET el Pequeno Gabe tiene mala reputacion por monitoriar los correos electronicos (E-mail) de LAU.

English: LAU’s Emails traffic officer, Lil’ Gabe, has earned a mean reputation for monitoring emails.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

February 19, 2009

Today's Dominican Word: Fantamoso – Someone who likes to show off anything they just bought.

Dominican: Los Artistas de Reggaeton son unos fantamosos, le gustan ensenar sus prendas y carros a todo el mundo.

English: Many Hip Hop artist are show offs (Fantamosos), showing their cars and jewelries.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

February 18, 2009

Today's Dominican Word: CUCHARITA - When someone is noisy, all up in your business for no reason.

Dominican: Jaime estaba hablando con Maria, cuando el Cucharita de Manuel interunpio la conversacion para decir lo que el pensaba del tema.

English: While Jaime and Maria were having a conversation, noisy Manuel interrupted to give his opinion on the matter.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

February 17, 2009

Today's Dominican Word: Aficiao – when someone is madly in love with someone, or infatuated with something.

Dominican:  1. Manuel conocio una chica, y el tipo esta aficiao de ella.
2. Manuel esta aficiado con su carro Nuevo.

English: 1. Manuel met a girl and he is madly in love with her.
2. Manuel bought a new car and is now infatuated with it.

Friday, February 13, 2009

February 13, 2009

Today's Dominican Word: -FATAL- when someone is wrong for saying something negative or degrading about a person, and/or the fact of someone being out of line. 

Dominican:  Alex Rodriguez es un Fatal por haber mentido sobre el consumo de esteroides.

English: Alex Rodriguez was wrong for lying about steroids usage.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

February 12, 2009

Today's Dominican Word: Tanibol - English: Time Out, Take a Break.


Dramatisacion: Emanuel y David estan jugando basketball, al momento David pierde la pelota y el referee grita: TANIBOL!


Dramatization: While Emanuel and David are playing basketball, David loses the ball, that’s when the referee blows his whistle and calls for Time Out (Tanibol).

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

February 11, 2009

Today's Dominican Word: Verdugo – An Expert, a person that knows it all.

Dominican: Pequeno Gabe es un verdugo, el se sabe todo los chismes de LAU.

English: Lil’ Gabe is an expert on LAU’s tea!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

February 10, 2009

Today's Dominican Word: Rastrero – an expression indicating a man or woman is from the streets, doesn’t have any morals, has no shame, a liar, a person that tricks you at any circumstance.

Dominican: Alex Rodriguez es un Rastrero por haber mentido sobre el uso de esteroides.

English: Alex Rodriguez is a liar (Rastrero) for lying to the press and his fans of steroids usage in the past.

Monday, February 9, 2009

February 9, 2009

Today's Dominican Word: Quillao (Quiyao) – an expression indicating you are mad, frustrated, pissed off, etc.

Dominican: Rihanna esta quilla con Chris Brown, el tipo le dio golpe.  Pero el que esta quillao mas es Chris Brown, el cual tuvo que pagar $50,000 dolares para que lo dejeran salir de la carcel.

English: Rihanna is mad at Chris Brown for allegedly hitting her.  However, Chris Brown is a bit madder since he had to post a $50,000.00 bond to be bail out from jail.

Friday, February 6, 2009

February 6, 2009

Today's Dominican Word: Anjá – an expression that indicates many things such as: Yes, agreeing to something, or “Oh really” if someone was to tell you surprising news.


Jose: Loco tu sabia que raul esta preso?
Manuel: Anjá, me dijieron esta manana, que siga peliando en baras.

Jose: Loco tu quieres comer taco bell?
Manuel: Anjá

Jose: Loco, la tipa de maria esta enbarasada
Manuel: Annnnnjáááá, no sabia


Jose: Yo, did you know raul spent the night in jail?
Manuel: Anjá (Yes), I was told this morning. That’s what happens when you fight in bars.

Jose: Yo, do you want to go eat at Taco Bell?
Manuel: Anjá (Yes)

Jose: Yo, Maria is pregnant
Manuel: Annnnnjáááá, oh really, I didn’t know!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

February 5, 2009

Today's Dominican Word:

¡Bomba! - Wow!
Bomba - gas station

Bomba – this word is an expression and a place. Bomba in Dominican Slang is a Gas Station. Bomba also means the following expressions: Wow, good, awesome, great, etch.

Dominican: 1. Manuel fue a la bomba, su carro no tenia gasolina.
2. Manuel al ganarse el premio mayor de la lotto grito, BOMBA!

English: 1. Manuel went to the gas station (bomba) to get gas.
2. When Manuel won the lottery, he shouted, Bomba! (GREAT!)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

February 4, 2009

Today's Dominican Word: Montro (a) – This word means: dude, buddy, pal, and or big guy, or to insinuate a person is great in a certain area.

Dominican: Mi amigo Manuel es un montro en el gym, el pesa 180 libras de pesas.

English: My friend Manuel is great at the gym, he benches 180 lbs.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

February 3, 2009

Today's Dominican Word: Avion – This of course means airplane, however, in the Dominican Slang it means a girl whose time is spent doing sexual favors or being too friendly with the guys.  A female that sleeps around is an Avion. Dominican:  Paris Hilton es un Avion English: Paris Hilton is a friendly girl (Avion).

Monday, February 2, 2009

February 2, 2009

Today's Dominican Word: Allantoso – B.Ser – pretender.  Dominican: Marcos no ira a la fiesta, el te dijo que si por estar de allantoso. English:  Marc is not really going to the party, he just pretending he is.

Friday, January 30, 2009

January 30, 2009

Today's Dominican Word: Traqueteo: Funny Business, a scam, to be fooled –

Dominican: Gerentes de companias Americanas recientemente tienen un traqueteo con el dinero de sus inversores.

English: There has been a lot of recent scams by many American Investment Managers.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

January 29, 2009

Today's Dominican Word: Poloché - Polo Shirt or T-shirt

Dominican: Robin Se compro un Poloché nuevo.

English: Robin bought a new t-shirt.

January 28, 2009

Today's Dominican Word: Pipo – The typical expression of being in awe, Wow. English:  WOW, there is just too much snow. Dominican: El pipo cuanta nieve.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

January 27, 2009

Today's Dominican Word: Enbuste (Enbustero) - Liar/Lying – Dominican: 1. Kenny Uraca es un Enbustero, el sabado el no tenia a ninguna tipa esperandolo. English: Kenny is a liar, no girl was waiting for him on Saturday.

January 26, 2009

January 26, 2009

Today's Dominican Word: Lambon - now this is a word that has no translation. However, when someone is taking advantage of other people's food, car, or property this person is called a Lambon.

Friday, January 23, 2009

January 23, 2009

Today's Dominican Word: “Large Numbers” – Millon, Mil Tabla (1,000), 500 (Quiniento), Cien Mil (100,000) - When you hear a Dominican using large numbers it's to insinuate something went by fast, was too much, and/or something is or was at a large scale.

Dominican: 1. El tipo este, Bernard L. Madoff le robo un millon de cuarto a los ricos.
2. Pedro cojio a mil por ahi y no volvio.
3. El vecino me debe mil tabla y no me a pagado.

English: 1. Bernard L. Madoff stole millions (millon) from rich investors.
2. Pedro ran very fast and never came back
3. My neighbor owes me 1,000 bucks and has not paid.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

January 22, 2009

Today's Dominican Word: Vientiocho - (28) - Meaning crazy, loco , Ku Ku.

English: James was sent to el 28 because he started talking to himself all the time.

Dominican: A Jaime lo mandaron para el 28 porque comenzo hablarse a si mismo, que loco.

RE-USED February 1, 2011

Friday, January 16, 2009

January 16, 2009

Dominican Word of the Day: Pelu - To insunate something is ugly, in bad shape, out of line/hand, extreme.

English: This cold weather is Pelu.

Spanish: Este frio Esta Pelu!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

January 15, 2009

Dominican Word of the Day: Tacaño/a - Someone who is cheap in every sense of the word.

English: To Avoid paying the two dollars train fare Julianne walked 3 miles in cold weather, that's when some one called her Tacaña (cheap).

Spanish: En ves de pagar dos dolares, Julianne decidio caminar 3 millas en el frio, que Tacaña.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

January 14, 2009

Dominican Word of the Day: Olla – someone experiencing financial difficulties; short in money.

English: As of December 19, 2008 2.6 million people in the U.S. are in Olla, experieing major set back with their finances.

Spanish: La estaticas del Departamento de Labores en los E.E.U.U. demuestran que 2.6 millones de personas estan en OLLA!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

January 13, 2009

Dominican Word of the Day: Bufeando - making fun of something or someone.

English: The Media is making fun of George Bush Wacky Faces throughout his mess up leadership.

Spanish: Los canales de noticias se estan Bufeando de las caras que el Presidente Bush a hecho durante su fragil liderazgo.

Monday, January 12, 2009

January 12, 2009

Dominican Word of the Day: Pín-pún - Meaning the same, equal, or a sudden hit.

Mario and Jose Son Pin-Pun a su Papa. Mario and Jose look the same.

Friday, January 9, 2009

January 09, 2009

Dominican Word of the Day : Fuyin - Meaning (The bottom of something, i.e. your Pants, El Fuyin de los Pantalones, The Bottom of your Jeans), or to curse at someone with no meaning, Go To Hell - Vete al Fuyin.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

January 08, 2008

My Apologies, I was away for the holidays.

Today's Dominican Word: Añuga(o) - To Choke. Jose Se Añugo comiendose un Platano. Jose, while eating, choked on a piece of Platano.