Friday, January 23, 2009

January 23, 2009

Today's Dominican Word: “Large Numbers” – Millon, Mil Tabla (1,000), 500 (Quiniento), Cien Mil (100,000) - When you hear a Dominican using large numbers it's to insinuate something went by fast, was too much, and/or something is or was at a large scale.

Dominican: 1. El tipo este, Bernard L. Madoff le robo un millon de cuarto a los ricos.
2. Pedro cojio a mil por ahi y no volvio.
3. El vecino me debe mil tabla y no me a pagado.

English: 1. Bernard L. Madoff stole millions (millon) from rich investors.
2. Pedro ran very fast and never came back
3. My neighbor owes me 1,000 bucks and has not paid.

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